Sunday, May 1, 2011

At The Poultry Show

May 1st

It has been raining pretty steadily up until two days ago. Thursday the 28th of April , the heavy rain turned to snow and the temperature dropped to 34 degrees. The snow coated the trees and looked very pretty for a winter scene. I did make it to the Pacific Northwest Poultry show in Stevenson Washington though. It was held April 16th and 17th.

I entered two pullets, Black Betty and Blondie, 11.6 and 10 ounces respectively. I knew that they were not perfect but I thought I should just go ahead and enter my birds to get experience and maybe some feedback. It turns out that they won first and second place in their class of Serama pullets, although there wasn't much competition. And no tabletop judging either. I was definitely not ready for that.

I really enjoyed the show. I love looking at all types of poultry and there were about a thousand birds entered there.

So now I am ready to make more pretty birds. I haven't really produced a show quality rooster yet so that would be nice if that happens.

The sun shone last Friday and Saturday with a minimum of rain. Halleluia!!