Saturday, June 29, 2013


The temperature here is 99 degrees in the shade! I live in a little valley about 12 miles from the coast to the north and about 7 miles from Tillamook Bay to the south. I had to laugh at the temperature given for Nehalem on my computer: it gives the temperature as 66 degrees! But that is for the City of Nehalem, which is about eight miles to the north of here. I did drive in to Nehalem this morning and it was definitely cooler than at my house.

It is so hot outside,that I decided to cancel my plans to inventory my chickens, and decided to start packing away my incubators in my office/computer room, where I hatch and brood chicks for a few days before I transfer them out to bigger brooders. The room definitely needs cleaning.  I would be through hatching eggs by now but I decided to try an experiment. I read in "The Small-Scale Poultry Flock, by Harvey Ussery; How long can you store an egg before it looses its hatchability? He says about two weeks, which is about the time it takes a hen to get her clutch of eggs ready for setting. To be conservative he says ten days. My incubator bible says 4 days.

But the author tells a story of a woman who had sold all her eggs when a fox killed her prize cock. Desperate, this woman went to her customers and asked if they had any of her eggs left. From the refrigerators of her customers she gathered enough eggs to try and salvage that particular line of chicken. And she had an excellent hatch rate! What! I exclaimed as I read this. Well, by golly I am going to try this too! And so my remaining incubator is full of "Fridge" eggs! I have no dates but some will be as old as two weeks of that I am sure. 
Charlie chicken says"I'm hidin' - she aint putting me in no fridgerator!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


My little dog Poppy used to chase my roosters any time she got a chance. Now that she is seven she has sort of figured out that it is OK to chase the roosters when I get my net out but not until then. So I can leave her out in the yard with the chickens and not worry. She actually does not have a very good chance of catching one, since most of them fly up on something to escape her. However I noticed that she goes into the small pens when they are open and looks around in them, I don't know what she is expecting to find but it doesn't hurt anything, so I don't worry about it.

I began to notice eggs laying around here and there in my yard. Whole eggs! I thought it was the pack rats moving them because I have a lot of trouble with pack rats trying to take the chicken feeders,  but i couldn't figure out how they they do it. None of the eggs were broken, I figured they were rolling them but that seemed a little farfetched.

Then one day I saw Poppy pawing at something on the ground so I went over and saw that it was an egg, and it wasn't broken. So I broke it for her and the contents went on the ground and she ate the contents of the egg. Raw egg is good food for a dog!. Then I realized that it is she who is taking the eggs, carrying them in her mouth without breaking them. You can't really see her do it because she has a very hairy face.
So that ends the mystery of the  eggs in the garden. I decided to feed my dogs a raw egg twice a week, I have plenty of eggs and that should help with the dog food budget!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Here it is, almost the end of January 2013. Thinking back I remember the losses of chickens to predators last spring. I hope I am better protected now. All the small pens have small wire that prevents raccoons from sticking their paws into the pens. Where there was digging under, wire has been placed on the ground around the outside of the pens. I have put more secure fasteners on the doors to the pens and that is all I can think of doing for them.

A red tailed hawk has killed several of my free ranging orange frizzled roosters. Why it always chose those particular roosters, I don't know. The red tailed hawk has not been seen for months now.

Lately a big lab mix has been pushing himself under the wire to the big chicken yard. He is a big dog. It is amazing that he can do this. I caught him several times and put him out. He doesn't seem focused on killing chickens although maybe he is thinking of grabbing one and taking it home.  I had some old collapsible dog fencing and put it up along the part of the fence he pushed under. It seems to keep him out. He did it again in another location and I added some more collapsible fencing to that part too. Then this morning he was in my front yard, but I hadn't let the chickens out yet. So far he is batting zero. He doesn't act like he is after chickens but who knows?

I lost some chickens to disease too. I had purchased some Baytril from a pigeon supply. It was pretty expensive, but I thought it would be helpful in combating any disease a chicken might get.  I had treated Blondie successfully with Baytril purchased from a local vet, although she has not produced a healthy egg since! But Baytril didn't help Little Lumpy, my mostly white rooster I used for breeding, and I lost Bug, my very favorite rooster for breeding smaller chickens. I began to feel that Baytril was killing them, as they seemed to get better and then died.

A fellow who raises pigeons and bought some chickens from me told me about Tylin 200. It is an injectable, so when another chicken got sick I purchased some Tylin 200 and the local vet showed me how to give a shot, and the vet mentioned Gentamicin, another antibiotic that you can use in steam or fog, and since I have a fogging device I used that and put some drops of lavender in the water too as he suggested. That combination seemed to work miracles on respiratory disease and I felt I could now cure anything.

But then I noticed my best chicken pal Ms. Chocolatte roosting in a very strange way, with her head pointed skyward, her beak in the air. I noticed she was coughing.  I brought her in the house for the "miracle" treatment. It helped maybe a little. She no longer extended her neck to breathe. She looked good though, her feathers were all in good condition and she was in full feather, but under her feathers she was very thin.  I kept on taking care of her, offering her the best of whatever she liked to eat, plus vitamin D, cod liver oil, etc. I felt it would take longer to cure her because she was sicker than the others.

I got out my chicken health book and found that extension of the neck and gasping for breath are the signs of infectious laryngotracheitis, which is a disease caused by a herpes virus which has an intermediate host of a particular kind of a cockroach which lives in the south. Ms. Choco came from Lousiana, so I figured she probably carried the herpes virus and when she got stressed, it took over.

Her eyes started closing and so I washed her eyes and then read that chickens may go blind, and she apparently did gradually go blind as she could no longer see the food I was offering. But I figured out a way that she could eat; she knew I was putting food in a paper tray and so she would stab at the tray often getting quite a bit of food down. I still thought she might make it, but she didn't, and one morning I found her dead.

She was a real pal and always came forward to greet me whenever I showed up. I hope she enjoyed her life here. I fixed up the patio pen with her in mind, and put in that nice rock fountain that she enjoyed drinking out of. On warm days I let the small flock out of the pen to wander around the back yard. The picture on the home page of by website shows Ms. Choco, Bug, and some of the others enjoying the garden.

She was the one who instigated our friendship. Will there be another Ms. Choco some day? RIP Ms. Choco.