The temperature here is 99 degrees in the shade! I live
in a little valley about 12 miles from the coast to the north and about 7 miles
from Tillamook Bay to the south. I had to laugh at the temperature given for
Nehalem on my computer: it gives the temperature as 66 degrees! But that is for
the City of Nehalem, which is about eight miles to the north of here. I did
drive in to Nehalem this morning and it was definitely cooler than at my house.
It is so hot outside,that I decided to cancel my plans to inventory my chickens, and decided to start packing away my incubators in my
office/computer room, where I hatch and brood chicks for a few days before I
transfer them out to bigger brooders. The room definitely needs cleaning. I would be through hatching eggs by now
but I decided to try an experiment. I read in "The Small-Scale Poultry
Flock, by Harvey Ussery; How long can you store an egg before it looses its
hatchability? He says about two weeks, which is about the time it takes a hen
to get her clutch of eggs ready for setting. To be conservative he says ten
days. My incubator bible says 4 days.
But the author tells a story of a woman who had sold all
her eggs when a fox killed her prize cock. Desperate, this woman went to her
customers and asked if they had any of her eggs left. From the refrigerators of
her customers she gathered enough eggs to try and salvage that particular line
of chicken. And she had an excellent hatch rate! What! I exclaimed as I read
this. Well, by golly I am going to try this too! And so my remaining incubator
is full of "Fridge" eggs! I have no dates but some will be as old as two
weeks of that I am sure.