Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Winter - Oh! My! Here in Nehalem we get all kinds of weather - very changeable. High winds, heavy rains, flooding, and sometime nice warm weather and sometimes record cold spells.

A few weeks ago we had such heavy rains that there was flooding in several towns, and my chicken yard for my laying hens was three inches under water. I have never seen this before. The chickens were walking around in the water looking very puzzled, they would put their heads down to peck at something and then stop and go nnnnnnhhh. I should have taken a picture but I was sort of in shock. I opened the gate to the banty yard which was on higher ground and they made their way into this and spent the day with their smaller cousins. I hope this doesn't happen again, the water was up to the floor of their chicken house.

I feel really good about the Bantam hutch though. Twelve feet long and five feet high and raised about three and a half feet above the ground, the legs buried about three feet into the dirt. No high winds will blow this away, nor floods reach the floor. And the heated roost, plus heated water and food inside, plus a heat emitting lamp - no light produced - in case of freezing weather, makes me feel good knowing my small birds are really secure.

The bantams have a home sweet home

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