Sunday, March 4, 2012


The roosters that I have bred, while I like their looks a lot, don't have quite enough chest to be winners (except for one that I bred and discovered early this spring, which surprised me. He'll go to the show for sure). So I purchased a rooster late last fall that I think will help with the chest problem. Hence the name Chester. And this is his picture. Today, after giving him a bath and cleaning him all up for introduction to the ladies , he had his first day out in the sunshine with thirty hens.
Now I have a problem here for those that might be interested in purchasing eggs; roosters can only take care of so many hens, and I only have so many pens, which at this time are filled with roosters. So I am hoping that within the next two weeks the weather will permit me to clear out some cages so that I can see that Chester has a place to be with about six hens (experts say ten but why push it?) Also it takes about two weeks for the hens to accept a new rooster, and to produce fertile eggs.
So that's where we are now. waiting ....................

1 comment:

  1. HI mom, Chester is looking good, must be a happy rooster to have ended up on such a fine spread! I'm glad your chickens bring you happiness, just make sure you keep it that way! We thought about getting a pig again but if I'm wise I'll probaby stay livestock free. This is the year of the flower, so hopefully I can send you some good pics of our summer project! Keep up the good work!
